Formally known as Lotus Eldercare Academy (Myanmar), and currently still in partnership with Lotus Eldercare Academy under Lotus Eldercare Private Limited in Singapore, The Golden Lotus Healthcare Training Academy has achieved very much since our inception in 2014.

These 2 years have not been easy due to the global pandemic complicated by restrictions in traveling inside Myanmar and out of Myanmar. However, we are still in service providing practical courses for would-be caregivers.

Here is The Golden Lotus Healthcare Training Academy website 

In the past 8 years, our achievements include:

(From 2014 till present)

Total no. of students (Certified) : 



Total no. of job placement:



Students working in Singapore:

514  (Caregiver = 334 / Nursing Home = 170)


Students working in Japan:   

142 (Nursing Home)


Students working in Myanmar:




111 (Some awaiting for job placement in Japan & Singapore)



Singaporean Nursing Homes

1.            ECON Medicare

2.            St. Andrew Nursing Home

3.            St. John’s St. Margaret’s Nursing Home

4.            NTUC Nursing Home

5.            United Medical Centre

6.            All Saints Nursing Home

7.            Ren Ci Nursing Home

8.            The Salvation Army

9.            Jamiyah Nursing Home

10.          Vanguard Healthcare

11.         Orange Valley Nursing Home

12.          Society for the Aged Sick 


Current Students in Training

Due to complete by December 2021:       24


We hope to see more care homes globally that are interested in employing our trained and caring caregivers. We are also looking to support our trainees in future remotely on applications such as InMIND to maintain their mental wellness working in different countries away from home.